Thursday 24 January 2008


Unfortunately, i'm not in a warm Spain, but cold, and recently quite dull North London UK.  Do you ever just feel like you're some place, look at people, attitudes, buildings and environment and just see how the colour of a place has just been drained?  Maybe it's psychological, but I just feel how this changes from time to time a lot, and with environment.  When people are warm and happy, and worries are small/nil, everything to me looks flushed with colour, and you notice the small beauty in things you otherwise would never recognise.

For me, I love going around London, admiring the architecture and bustle of people, relaxing at some random coffee shop, and just watching people go by, imagining scenarios of what someone is talking about, or doing at that precise moment, and creating a mock life-story of that person or people in my head.  The small beauties become more clearer, and penetrative in mind in this content relaxing state, and these beauties are really what you make of them, material, or metaphorical.  Thats why my favourite times of the year are definitely spring and summer...I really dislike the cold.  Colour seems harder to grasp at this time of the year, so I just can't help feeling a little glum at the moment. *sigh*

In fitting with the moods of colour in life, a psychologist worked out that Monday 21st January is the most depressive day of the year.  Of course, it is attributed to many factors such as a time for when you're making up for money spent over christmas pressies, when all those bills come in with all that excess electricity and heat you've used up, being back at work AND dealing with the cold.  For me, this makes sense, we're experiencing our first proper bills at our flat, which have nearly all decided to show up this past week, and definitely still feeling the cold!!  Not long to go now though, 2 months and the colour will trickle back.

How are you doing today?

Friday 18 January 2008

Testing a picture

Here is the new Macbook Air, announced a couple of days ago by Steve Jobs at the Macworld Expo:

As you can see, it's so thin that it can fit inside a manilla envelope. Aesthetically pleasing, and functionally disappointing. 1 USB port, 1 Micro-DVI port, 1 audio out, no optical drive and a socket to charge the unit. Thats it, and that's expansion out the window. Powerwise, it performs the same as a regular macbook except for a slower processor. The damage? $1800.

This year's Macworld Expo was a disappointment compared to 2 years previous leaving most people thinking 'is that it?' Nevermind, Apple being Apple will do something to stun the crowds with their innovation before long, thats if they can beat Asus and their eeePC which will be using the intel merom (strangely not Penryn!) technology after April 08'. This doesn't have an optical drive either, but smartly, it is expandable to a point where customisation of the machine is encouraged by Asus, People have managed to install a range of operating systems on it including and not limited to Mac OS X, AND it even has 3 USB ports AND SDHC slot AND starting prices for this thing are $300!

Probably everything the Macbook Air should have been. Food for thought.

Just when you thought...

...i'd forgotten about this place. Infact i've been on holiday for the last week, out in America spending time and celebrating a late christmas with my parents-in-law! It was great fun, and a nice break away if only for a criminally short period of time, but I loved it, and so did my belly, which is a few pounds heavier now.

We had snow in the last few days before leaving, which was a nice touch, but when it came down to it, it felt like I wasn't ready to leave yet...I think Jen felt the same way *sigh*

Now i'm back at work doing the computery stuff, and watching the time go by while nursing headache-pains which I can only attribute to tiredness from timezone changes, and crazy jet-lag. I also realised today, that i've yet to make this page more interesting with pictures and stuff, which will follow shortly.

Anywho, there's 45 minutes to go til I can leave here for the weekend. BBS, yo.

Monday 7 January 2008

In the News today...


So apparently the Queen love's the Wii. I read this news article earlier today and it made me smile. Jen and I have had a Wii now since March last year, and along with my DS, i'm completely addicted. This year WiiFit, a new multiplayer Mario Kart, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl all come out for the it, I can't wait :)

In other news, I received the coolest desk calender today from a work friend in Romania who I met in Sweden while doing some I.T training last August. It basically has these images or products and situations with my name emblazoned into it in some form.

I'm going to America this Wednesday for a week to spend some time with Jen's parents, which i'm looking forward to very much!

I'm excited about CES and MacExpo, the former of which is happening at this moment! The CES has been running for a short while, happening every January, it highlights the latest technology and gadgetry that will be out on the market this year. The MacExpo starts next week and is basically the same deal, except for only for Apple stuff exclusively. This year, it's been rumoured that a new smaller Mac laptop will be announced, something i'm looking forward to with great anticipation as I miss the size of the powerbook! (compared to a Macbook 13.3" vs 12").

I watched the 2 girl's 1 cup video for the first time and was grossed out. You'll find it easily with a google search if you dare! Once you're done watching, check out some of the hilarious reaction video's on YouTube right now :)

Alright, i'm at work and I need to try and look busy! Have a good day everyone!

Thursday 3 January 2008

Short intro and other stuff...

So yeah, as the sub-description above says, I created this blog as a new years resolution in getting down all manner of randomness that I encounter.  I guess I feel the need to have something I can look back on sometime in the future, and be like 'oh yeah, I remember this' or 'oh yeah, that was a good idea' and hopefully learn a thing or two from the lucky (unlucky) people that may happen to stumble onto here.  I also wanted to have something to coincide with my lovely wife, Jennifer and her blog, which in my humble opinion is awesome

I've started blogs before, but have never managed to actually maintain one beyond 2 posts so far.  Therefore I owe it to myself to see how this thing will develop.  Moving onto some introductory babblement of myself:

Hi, My name is Jassen, how do you do?

As most people closest to me know, I'm a computer boffin to some degree.  Friends and family will occasionally ask me for help with their technically related issues, which I'm only too happy to tend and resolve.  You see, from as long as i've known, computers, electronics, gadgets...

They just fascinate me

So much so that it developed first into a hobby, then a crush, onto complete infatuation and into love (yeah i'm a geek).  I decided i'd take it further by studying towards a computing related degree and into another one of my addictions, video games, and how to make them!  

I successfully made 3 little games during my degree, but lost heart when experiencing how much you really need to put into coding and design, so my hat goes off to all VG creators out there.  However during this time, I dabbled in the hardware side of things, building a few machines for myself, and for friends, and playing tech support on the side...I found something that I could take further.

Now today, I am working in my career of choice as an I.T Support Analyst, doing the things I love (minus the telephone part :-p ) and getting paid for it.  Life is good.

I love many things, on top of my list, these include Jennifer, good food, travelling, music, gigs and festivals, watching movies, japanese shows, all things Nintendo and sleeping.

There is very little that I don't like, but to name a few things, these include obnoxious hoody youths and chavs that are loud and stupid, or people that like to play music loud on their phones on public transport.  I also don't like kidney's in a food related way.

I think that's all i've got for now.  I've really got to get used to talking about myself and stuff, because i'm still not used to it yet, it's just awkward :-/

If i've not frightened you off already, then YAY!  Stay tuned, things can only get better from here on out!

p.s, thanks for reading.

Tuesday 1 January 2008

A new beginning...

Happy New Year, welcome to 2008...please come in, kick off your shoes and close the door to 2007.  Enjoy your stay!