Thursday 24 January 2008


Unfortunately, i'm not in a warm Spain, but cold, and recently quite dull North London UK.  Do you ever just feel like you're some place, look at people, attitudes, buildings and environment and just see how the colour of a place has just been drained?  Maybe it's psychological, but I just feel how this changes from time to time a lot, and with environment.  When people are warm and happy, and worries are small/nil, everything to me looks flushed with colour, and you notice the small beauty in things you otherwise would never recognise.

For me, I love going around London, admiring the architecture and bustle of people, relaxing at some random coffee shop, and just watching people go by, imagining scenarios of what someone is talking about, or doing at that precise moment, and creating a mock life-story of that person or people in my head.  The small beauties become more clearer, and penetrative in mind in this content relaxing state, and these beauties are really what you make of them, material, or metaphorical.  Thats why my favourite times of the year are definitely spring and summer...I really dislike the cold.  Colour seems harder to grasp at this time of the year, so I just can't help feeling a little glum at the moment. *sigh*

In fitting with the moods of colour in life, a psychologist worked out that Monday 21st January is the most depressive day of the year.  Of course, it is attributed to many factors such as a time for when you're making up for money spent over christmas pressies, when all those bills come in with all that excess electricity and heat you've used up, being back at work AND dealing with the cold.  For me, this makes sense, we're experiencing our first proper bills at our flat, which have nearly all decided to show up this past week, and definitely still feeling the cold!!  Not long to go now though, 2 months and the colour will trickle back.

How are you doing today?

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