Friday 18 January 2008

Testing a picture

Here is the new Macbook Air, announced a couple of days ago by Steve Jobs at the Macworld Expo:

As you can see, it's so thin that it can fit inside a manilla envelope. Aesthetically pleasing, and functionally disappointing. 1 USB port, 1 Micro-DVI port, 1 audio out, no optical drive and a socket to charge the unit. Thats it, and that's expansion out the window. Powerwise, it performs the same as a regular macbook except for a slower processor. The damage? $1800.

This year's Macworld Expo was a disappointment compared to 2 years previous leaving most people thinking 'is that it?' Nevermind, Apple being Apple will do something to stun the crowds with their innovation before long, thats if they can beat Asus and their eeePC which will be using the intel merom (strangely not Penryn!) technology after April 08'. This doesn't have an optical drive either, but smartly, it is expandable to a point where customisation of the machine is encouraged by Asus, People have managed to install a range of operating systems on it including and not limited to Mac OS X, AND it even has 3 USB ports AND SDHC slot AND starting prices for this thing are $300!

Probably everything the Macbook Air should have been. Food for thought.

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