Monday 7 January 2008

In the News today...


So apparently the Queen love's the Wii. I read this news article earlier today and it made me smile. Jen and I have had a Wii now since March last year, and along with my DS, i'm completely addicted. This year WiiFit, a new multiplayer Mario Kart, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl all come out for the it, I can't wait :)

In other news, I received the coolest desk calender today from a work friend in Romania who I met in Sweden while doing some I.T training last August. It basically has these images or products and situations with my name emblazoned into it in some form.

I'm going to America this Wednesday for a week to spend some time with Jen's parents, which i'm looking forward to very much!

I'm excited about CES and MacExpo, the former of which is happening at this moment! The CES has been running for a short while, happening every January, it highlights the latest technology and gadgetry that will be out on the market this year. The MacExpo starts next week and is basically the same deal, except for only for Apple stuff exclusively. This year, it's been rumoured that a new smaller Mac laptop will be announced, something i'm looking forward to with great anticipation as I miss the size of the powerbook! (compared to a Macbook 13.3" vs 12").

I watched the 2 girl's 1 cup video for the first time and was grossed out. You'll find it easily with a google search if you dare! Once you're done watching, check out some of the hilarious reaction video's on YouTube right now :)

Alright, i'm at work and I need to try and look busy! Have a good day everyone!


Tez said...

Two girls one cup is paving the way of future porn.

Jassen said...

I seriously thought it was ice cream when I first saw it. Good to see you buddy, how are you?? :)