Thursday 3 January 2008

Short intro and other stuff...

So yeah, as the sub-description above says, I created this blog as a new years resolution in getting down all manner of randomness that I encounter.  I guess I feel the need to have something I can look back on sometime in the future, and be like 'oh yeah, I remember this' or 'oh yeah, that was a good idea' and hopefully learn a thing or two from the lucky (unlucky) people that may happen to stumble onto here.  I also wanted to have something to coincide with my lovely wife, Jennifer and her blog, which in my humble opinion is awesome

I've started blogs before, but have never managed to actually maintain one beyond 2 posts so far.  Therefore I owe it to myself to see how this thing will develop.  Moving onto some introductory babblement of myself:

Hi, My name is Jassen, how do you do?

As most people closest to me know, I'm a computer boffin to some degree.  Friends and family will occasionally ask me for help with their technically related issues, which I'm only too happy to tend and resolve.  You see, from as long as i've known, computers, electronics, gadgets...

They just fascinate me

So much so that it developed first into a hobby, then a crush, onto complete infatuation and into love (yeah i'm a geek).  I decided i'd take it further by studying towards a computing related degree and into another one of my addictions, video games, and how to make them!  

I successfully made 3 little games during my degree, but lost heart when experiencing how much you really need to put into coding and design, so my hat goes off to all VG creators out there.  However during this time, I dabbled in the hardware side of things, building a few machines for myself, and for friends, and playing tech support on the side...I found something that I could take further.

Now today, I am working in my career of choice as an I.T Support Analyst, doing the things I love (minus the telephone part :-p ) and getting paid for it.  Life is good.

I love many things, on top of my list, these include Jennifer, good food, travelling, music, gigs and festivals, watching movies, japanese shows, all things Nintendo and sleeping.

There is very little that I don't like, but to name a few things, these include obnoxious hoody youths and chavs that are loud and stupid, or people that like to play music loud on their phones on public transport.  I also don't like kidney's in a food related way.

I think that's all i've got for now.  I've really got to get used to talking about myself and stuff, because i'm still not used to it yet, it's just awkward :-/

If i've not frightened you off already, then YAY!  Stay tuned, things can only get better from here on out!

p.s, thanks for reading.


Jen said...

Go you blogger you!!


Vishwa said...

Hello jassen,

That's a good intro, but I missed reading about your geek part in Jen's posts all these days. Oversight, maybe.

I woke up late to the IT dynamics and am soon catching up. I work as a software test engineer--not much technical stuff to do, workwise, but I love to dabble a bit in the applications part in my free time.

Now it'd be interesting to read your blog along with Jen's--I don't think there are any couples who blog--not anyone whom I know.

Keep it going. Would love to read more from you :-)

Jassen said...

Hey Vishwa!

Thanks for your words, and interesting to know you work in the world of I.T also! Looking forward to blogging further, and reading up more on yours naturally :)